Your advisors help you make a lot of money…
but would you like to cut your taxes drastically?
(zero CPA's on staff, be sure to see endorsements below)
In addition, I will shock you,
by showing you holes and loopholes
in your retirement plan,
and your life insurance,
that you thought were BULLETPROOF!​!
Free Whitepapers
(click topics below)
to see why CPA's &
estate planning attorneys
endorse Leonard Slates
Stop getting eaten alive by taxes!
Little known qualified plan with tax-free withdrawals and tax-deductible contributions (don't worry, your CPA will tell you the IRS code approves).
Unique problem in all tax-deferred retirement plans may be the
biggest financial mistake of your life.
Maxed out on your tax-deferred retirement plan?
How to contribute 2 to 100 times more, tax-deferred.
- the top special reports are above -
Why you should never, ever, ever use a ‘fee only’ advisor for insurance.
13 Dangerous Loopholes in your disability insurance policy.
​ -
The million dollar 'gotcha' your pension plan administrator hopes you never find.
Retired or near retirement? How to minimize your taxes in retirement &
pass assets tax free to your children and grandchildren.
​ -
Mathematical lies about returns: why your returns are not what you think
(this has absolutely nothing to do with the fees you pay).

why do CPAs and estate planning attorneys endorse Leonard Slates?
"High income individuals, business owners and doctors. Leonard Slates can show you how to massively decrease your taxes and protect your assets, using different strategies, some of which have previously been available only to the very wealthy."
- Roccy DeFrancesco.
Estate planning attorney.​ Author:
"The Doctor's Wealth Preservation Guide."
Co-founder of the Asset Protection Society. Founder, The Wealth Preservation Institute."
Authored articles published in: the CPA Journal, Physician's Money Digest, Financial Planning Magazine, the Indiana Bar Journal. Lectured for many state and national medical associations; MI, OH, IN, and KY CPA Societies, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
Author Retiring Without Risk...Finding Shelter from the Financial Storm," "Bad Advisors: How to Identify Them; How to Avoid Them." Editor of Wealth Preservation Planning: A “Team” Approach© by The National Society of Accountants.
“I have always enjoyed doing seminars and workshops with Leonard Slates. He is knowledgeable and fun and has insight that others lack. If you have the opportunity to have Leonard speak to your group, jump on it.” - John W. Kercher III.
Partner (retired) Price Waterhouse & Company.
“If you have the opportunity to work with Leonard,
you are fortunate. His unique insights can make your business easier, more enjoyable, more profitable, and
of course, less taxing.” - Lance Wallach.
National Society of Accountants
'Speaker of the Year.'
Writes for over fifty publications, including CPA Journal, the AICPA Journal of Accountancy, Accounting Today, Advisor Today, the Tax Practitioner's Journal, Physician's Money Digest, American Medical Association Weekly News, CPA Law Forum.
Frequent speaker at national conventions including the National Network of Estate Planning Attorneys, the American Society of Pension Actuaries, the American Institute of CPAs, the National Association of Tax Practitioners.
“thought it would be a waste…saved me $20,000”
- Frank Taylor.
Well known estate planning attorney. Past president of one of the top
Chambers Of Commerce in the nation.
Author of chapters in the Kansas Bar Association's "Kansas Estate Administration Handbook" and the "Kansas Corporation Law Handbook." Fellow, American College of Trust & Estate Counsel. Super Lawyer (top 5% of attorneys), Missouri and Kansas (Business/Corporate).
Lectured for the Kansas Bar Association, Johnson County Bench Bar Conference, National Business Institute.
"The tax you owe on your tax-deferred retirement plan will be gigantic, if you don't do something now. Ask Leonard Slates to show you steps you can take right now, that will make a dramatic difference in your finances (without increasing your current taxes)." – Tim Berry.
Tax attorney.
Nationally known educator on retirement issues.
“Let's face it, you need a speaker that leaves your attendees wanting to hear more. I have shared the stage with Leonard quite a few times. Leonard is that guy.” - Dr. Steve Young.
President of the Kansas Dental Association